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BigQuery Mastery: Slashing Costs and Improving Performance

In our previous blog, BigQuery: A Top-Tier Data Warehouse Solution, we explored how Google’s BigQuery distinguishes itself as a premier platform, offering an unmatched blend of serverless architecture, on-demand pricing, and seamless integration within the Google Cloud ecosystem. As we continue our exploration, this post focuses on harnessing the full potential of BigQuery through strategic optimization techniques that not only reduce costs but also significantly enhance performance.

Why Optimize BigQuery?

1. Cost control

In an era where cloud expenses were spiraling, a savvy organization decided to optimize its BigQuery usage. By fine-tuning their queries and implementing strategic data management practices, they effectively slashed their costs, transforming their financial landscape into one of efficiency and foresight.

2. Performance

As data flooded in from every direction, a team struggled with sluggish query responses that hindered their analytics efforts. After optimizing BigQuery, they experienced a remarkable turnaround—queries that once took minutes now returned results in seconds, empowering the team to make swift, informed decisions.

3. Sustainability of Analytics

In the quest for sustainable analytics, a forward-thinking company realized that merely collecting data wasn’t enough. By optimizing BigQuery, they ensured their analytics processes were not only efficient but also environmentally conscious, paving the way for responsible data practices that supported long-term growth and innovation.

Key optimization techniques

1. Manage Query Outputs 

  • Materializing output data: Queries exceeding 10 GB in cached results can trigger "Response too large" errors, especially when selecting many fields or running ETL tasks without aggregation.

  • Use LIMIT with large sorts: When using ORDER BY on large datasets, add a LIMIT clause to prevent "Resources exceeded" errors caused by final sorting on a single processing slot.

2. Slot Reservation (Editions Pricing)

  • Reduce data before JOIN – Trim unnecessary data early in the query to minimize shuffling and speed up joins.

  • Avoid WITH clauses as prepared statements – WITH clauses enhance readability but can degrade performance when used excessively, as they repeat query execution.

  • Avoid date-sharded tables – Sharded tables increase schema and metadata overhead, slowing query performance.

  • Avoid oversharding tables – Use time-partitioned tables instead of date-sharded ones to reduce overhead and improve performance.

  • Optimize data types – Use the most efficient data types for columns to minimize storage and processing costs, and enhance query performance.

3. Optimize Query Computing

  • Avoid repeated data transformations – Refrain from re-transforming the same data in SQL ETL processes to save time and resources.

  • Leverage approximate aggregation – Use approximate aggregation functions, like APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(), for faster performance when precision isn’t critical.

  • Maximize Query Performance  Only use ORDER BY in the outermost query or window functions.

  • Optimize query order – Push complex operations, like sorting, to the end of queries and use ORDER BY only at the outermost level to minimize unnecessary sorting.

  • Optimize JOIN patterns – Begin joins with the largest table, letting the SQL optimizer handle table ordering but still ensuring that larger tables are merged first for better efficiency.

Up Next

Having explored the comprehensive optimization strategies for BigQuery, our next discussion will dive into a specific challenge addressed by our engineering team. Stay tuned as we uncover real-world problem-solving techniques that demonstrate the practical application of BigQuery optimization in an enterprise setting.


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